Why I Created the HeART School

doitfortheprocess HeART School


A few years ago, the CFO of a major development group in Austin, a millionaire, a caring, thoughtful, great husband and good looking dude... walked out of an art class I was sitting in on. He left his painting. His wine (he always brought wine). His paints. His easel. Everything. And never came back. 

THIS GUY. A guy who was literally success embodied. Who was for all intents and purposes, winning at LIFE. This guy was so traumatized by a painting class he couldn't even bear to clean up or say goodbye.

Can you relate to this? You were super excited to take a creative course, and within moments you feel like an un-artistic loser? Yeah me too. No... for real. It happens to me. It happens to EVERYONE. 

It also happens for lots of reasons, but here's one big one... Most Art classes are product focused. And if you don't end up making a beautiful product... well then you're not having fun. AT ALL.

That's why I created The HeART School. I wanted to unite a small community of makers interested in taking process-focused courses. Never heard of process-focused creative courses? Sure you have. You just didn't call it that because you were probably four or five years old.

Yep. All of us were process-focused makers as kids. We all made things for the joy of process and gave zero f***s how the thing looked. Or if it won an award. Or got a good grade.

Well... At least until the adult world got its hands on us. 

If you can relate to the story of the CFO, check out the HeART School Community.  It's free, easy to unsubscribe if you change your mind, and full of posts from like-minded people making things in our courses. The next one coming up is Compost Journaling March 17th. Learn how to dump ideas into piles and compost them into fresh, new works... easefully, while having a lot of fun.

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